Week 2
I started a new 365 Day photo project, which I’m calling 52 Weeks of Photography, back on Christmas Eve. Even though it is a year-long undertaking, I’m doing it one week at a time. This is the third week, the third set of seven images. I’m pretty excited to do this, and hope you appreciate following along on this journey.
The reason why I’m doing this photo-a-day project is because I noticed some gaps in-between my images over the last year. I haven’t been picking up my cameras daily. On several occasions, four or five days passed by without a single picture created. Twice in 2024, I skipped a whole week. I want to rectify this, and get back into the habit of daily photography. I also want to elevate the quality of my craft in 2025, and am hoping this will help with that.

The plan is to capture a year’s worth of notable images, either personally or artistically. Ansel Adams famously stated, “Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.” It’s important to keep expectations realistic, but I’m also trying to avoid thoughtless snapshots just to fulfill the day’s requirement. I want to push myself to be better, and hopefully that will happen. Not every photo will be great—in fact, most won’t—but I hope they are all at least decent enough to be shared without embarrassment.
I used my Fujifilm X-T4 ES full spectrum infrared camera a lot during this seven day period. IR photography is a ton of fun, so I grab the X-T4 ES frequently. Unfortunately, that only delays other projects that I’m working on, so I need to be a little more deliberate about the gear I’m choosing, and do a better job at spreading the love between my various cameras.
Below are the second set of seven pictures from this 52 Weeks of Photography project.
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

Thursday, January 9th, 2025

Friday, January 10th, 2025
Saturday, January 11th, 2025
Sunday, January 12th, 2025
Monday, January 13th, 2025

This post contains affiliate links, and if you make a purchase using my links I’ll be compensated a small amount for it.
Fujifilm GFX100S II:
Amazon, B&H, Wex
Fujinon GF 80mm f/1.7:
Amazon, B&H, Wex
Fujinon 35mm f/2 in black:
Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex, Nuzira
Fujinon 35mm f/2 in silver:
Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex, Nuzira
Fujinon 27mm f/2.8:
Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex