This is a brand new Aerochrome-like Infrared Recipe. It’s not for “normal” cameras; you must have a full spectrum X-Trans IV or X-Trans V model, which requires an expensive and invasive procedure from a third-party vendor like LifePixel, Kolari Vision, or Spenser’s Camera (to name a few). Otherwise, the Fujifilm X-T4 ES (“Extended Spectrum”) is a full spectrum camera (is sensitive to light outside the visible gamut) briefly offered by Fujifilm to the general public. As of this writing, I believe that you can still buy the Fujifilm X-T4 ES from B&H, but it requires a phone call or in-person visit, and cannot be ordered from the internet.
Aerochrome v3 sits in-between—and bridges the gap between—Aerochrome v1 and Aerochrome v2; however, it is notably different from both, and even has some surprising commonality to Cotton Candy Chrome upon close inspection. That’s because it uses the Classic Negative film simulation instead of Velvia, which gives it a more pronounced analog feel, but also is more of a negative film look than slide film (real Aerochrome was a slide film). In that sense, this might be viewed as the least accurate version, but it’s also very easy to appreciate the aesthetic of this Aerochrome v3 Recipe, which is just lovely. While v2 is my personal favorite, I think some of you are really going to like this one. Because X-Trans V renders blue more deeply on some film simulations, including Classic Negative, if you have a full spectrum converted X-Trans V camera, set Color Chrome FX Blue to Weak instead of Strong.

Aside from having a full spectrum camera (like the X-T4 ES), this Recipe requires three filters: True Color Infrared Autumnizer (Turquoise), Hoya G(XO) Yellow-Green filter and Tiffen Yellow 2 #8 filter. The True Color Infrared Autumnizer (Turquoise) filter is simply a QB19 Blue filter and LB18 Green filter combined into one, and can be found on AliExpress. If you choose to use a QB19 and LB18, then you’d have four filters instead of three. I was a little hesitant to buy the Autumnizer (Turquoise) filter (because I had never purchased anything from AliExpress before, and saw mixed reviews regarding the platform), but thankfully the process turned out to be smooth. The Autumnizer is intended for infrared photography, while the Yellow-Green and Yellow filters are for B&W film. I’m not sure if the order matters, but I have the Yellow filter first (closest to the lens), the Autumnizer next, and the Yellow-Green last (furthest from the lens).
Filters: True Color Infrared Autumnizer (Turquoise), Hoya G(XO) Yellow-Green & Tiffen Yellow 2 #8
Film Simulation: Classic Negative
Dynamic Range: DR400
Grain Effect: Strong, Small
Color Chrome Effect: Strong
Color Chrome FX Blue: Strong
White Balance: Daylight, +9 Red & +8 Blue
Highlight: -1.5
Shadow: -0.5
Color: +4
Sharpness: -1
High ISO NR: -4
Clarity: -2
ISO: Auto, up to ISO 6400
Exposure Compensation: -1/3 to +1/3 (typically)
Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs captured using this Aerochrome v3 Film Simulation Recipe on my Fujifilm X-T4 ES: