I mentioned in My 5 Favorite Film Simulation Recipes that use Astia article that—personally—Astia is one of my least-used film simulations. It’s not that the film sim is bad, because it’s not; for me, I think there are four reasons: 1) Astia doesn’t much resemble the film that it is named after, 2) it sits as a kind of a happy medium between Velvia and Provia, but doesn’t necessarily stand out as a better option than either, 3) it is most similar to PRO Neg. Hi, yet I prefer PRO Neg. Hi just a tad more, and 4) there are other film sims that I like significantly more (Classic Chrome, Classic Negative, Nostalgic Neg., etc.). Still, Astia can be a good option, particularly for vibrant portraits. I decided that I needed to create a new Astia-based Recipe, one that I would especially like—one that I would be happy to use regularly.
The majority of my Film Simulation Recipes are modeled after specific analog emulsions and/or film processes, but this one is not. I simply wanted a light and bright aesthetic with lovely blue sky, perhaps something vaguely negative-film-like. After a number of attempts, this Film Simulation Recipe, which I have named Astia Azure, is what I came up with. I’ve used it quite extensively over the last month.

The Astia Azure Film Simulation Recipe is especially great for golden hour and blue hour photography. It’s good for many other situations, but from roughly 30 minutes before sunrise to an hour after, and an hour before sunset to 30 minutes after, is when this Recipe really shines. Astia Azure is compatible with all X-Trans V cameras, plus newer X-Trans IV models, but not the X-T3, X-T30, X-Pro3, or X100V. I’m sure it can also be used for the latest GFX models, too, although I have not tried personally and it will likely render slightly differently (try it anyway).
This Astia Azure Film Simulation Recipe is an App Patron Early-Access Recipe. If you are a Fuji X Weekly App Patron, you have access to it right now. If not, no worries, as it will eventually be made available to everyone, once it is replaced by a new Early-Access Recipe.
Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs captured using this Astia Azure Film Simulation Recipe on my Fujifilm X-E4, X-T5, and X100VI cameras:

This post contains affiliate links, and if you make a purchase using my links I’ll be compensated a small amount for it.
Fujifilm X-T5 in black: Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex, Nuzira
Fujifilm X-T5 in silver: Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex, Nuzira
Fujifilm X100VI in black: Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex, Nuzira
Fujifilm X100VI in silver: Amazon, B&H, Moment, Wex, Nuzira
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