Omar Gonzalez posted a hilarious YouTube video called Do You Suffer from Fujifilm Sim Depression?, a parody of pharmaceutical commercials, except that it’s about Fujifilm film simulations and not prescription drugs. It’s incredibly well done and funny! I don’t want to spoil it if you haven’t watched it, but the conclusion is that Omar likes the Provia film simulation. So watch the video if you haven’t yet seen it, and if you are suffering from “Fujifilm Sim Depression” let me offer you this cure: the PROvia Film Simulation Recipe. Perhaps someday Omar will see it and try it; if so, I hope he likes it!
Provia is one of the film simulations that I personally like least… it’s well above Sepia, but towards the bottom of the list nonetheless. Ouch. As it turns out, I was never meant to like it, yet it is the “Standard” film simulation on all Fujifilm cameras. This PROvia Recipe is my take on a “better” Provia, and is intended to not only look good, but also be versatile so that it could be one’s go-to Film Simulation Recipe (that’s why “PRO” is capitalized in the name). It is compatible with all X-Trans II cameras; those with X-Trans I and Bayer models can use it, too, but it will render slightly different (try it anyway).
This PROvia Film Simulation Recipe was a Fuji X Weekly App Patron Early-Access Recipe, but now it’s available to everyone. If you are an App Patron, you’ve had access to it for awhile. For those who are not, now you can use it, too. Perhaps it will even cure your Fujifilm Sim Depression….
Dynamic Range: DR400
Highlight: -2 (Soft)
Shadow: +1 (Medium-Hard)
Color: +1 (Medium-High)
Sharpness: 0 (Standard)
Noise Reduction: -2 (Low)
White Balance: Auto, -1 Red & 0 Blue
ISO: Auto, up to ISO 3200
Exposure Compensation: +1/3 to +2/3 (typically)
Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs using this PROvia Film Simulation Recipe on my Fujifilm X70:
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