I’m not a portrait photographer. I have dabbled in it a little over the years, but it is just not my thing. So when people ask me which Film Simulation Recipes I recommend for portraits, it’s hard for me to provide a good answer. Now, I do have some experience to fall back on, plus I’ve seen some of your great pictures on social media, so I’m not completely clueless. I can give some recommendations that I’m confident will do well. I just wish that I could provide a bit more expert advice whenever I’m asked.
In yesterday’s post I included a survey. A couple years back I conducted a poll on Fuji X Weekly, but I was quite dissatisfied with the poll itself (how it was integrated, how it had to be configured), so I never bothered to do another. Just this week I learned of a much better and easier way to go about it, and I’m really happy with how it came together and turned out. So… you can expect a lot more surveys in the near future! I’m excited about this feedback—your opinions are immensely important.
Below you will find a poll question: Which color Film Simulation Recipe(s) is/are your favorite(s) for portraits? I want to know which Recipe you like best when photographing people. I picked 25 Recipes for the poll that I know some of you currently use or have used in the past for portrait photography, plus a couple that I have personal experience with. Pick one, two, three, or more—if you’ve used a particular Recipe for portraits and had good results, go ahead and mark it.
There’s a second question: Name a Recipe not found above that you like for portraits? I’ve published nearly 400 Recipes, so 25 is barely scratching the surface. I’m sure that I left out many that are good for portraits, included the two Recipes used for the photos above. Even if you marked some in the first question, go ahead and fill-in-the-blank for the second question if a Recipe that you have experience with was left out (if you’d rather, you can leave it as a comment instead). I appreciate your help with this!