This Film Simulation Recipe came about as an experiment after reading that film photographers weren’t meant to like the Provia film simulation because they’d find it to be too hard. So, I thought, maybe that’s true, and perhaps I can make it less hard, and more like something that film photographers might find to be “just right” (as Fujifilm put it). It took some trial-and-error, but I do believe that I have succeeded! This is a much, much better “standard” setting than default Provia, and, if you have a background in film photography, you’ll appreciate this recipe.
I find this new recipe to be reminiscent of cheap color negative film shot in point-‘n’-shoot cameras and printed at a one-hour lab, probably on Fujicolor Crystal Archive paper. It’s not intended to resemble that, but to me it does. I’m reminded of the 4″ x 6″ prints from 20+ years ago that are sitting in a box in the closet, or are carefully arranged in a photo album at my parent’s house. That’s why I call it Reminiscent Print.
This Reminiscent Print Film Simulation Recipe is compatible the Fujifilm X-Pro1, X-E1, and X-M1 cameras. Those with X-Trans II and Bayer cameras can also use it, although the results will be just a little different. This was a Fuji X Weekly App Patron Early Access Recipe, but now it’s available to everyone.
Dynamic Range: DR400
Highlight: -2 (Low)
Shadow: -2 (Low)
Color: +1 (Medium-High)
Sharpness: -1 (Medium-Soft)
Noise Reduction: -2 (Low)
White Balance: Auto, -4 Red & -1 Blue
ISO: Auto, up to ISO 3200
Exposure Compensation: -1/3 to +2/3 (typically)
Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs captured using this Reminiscent Print Film Simulation Recipe on my Fujifilm X-M1:
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