I’m in the process of moving across town, and need to pack away my cameras and office. Fuji X Weekly is going to be a little quiet for the next week to ten days or so, I think. Just wanted to give you a bit of a heads up on that.
There are many great and exciting things in the works that I should be able to share with you soon. Definitely stay tuned, as you won’t want to miss it. Hopefully by the time my office is set up in the new house, I’ll be able to share some of those things with you. I think July is going to be a pretty exciting month overall.
In the meantime, I didn’t want to leave you empty handed. The Fujifilm community, but especially the Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipe community, is the best anywhere. You all are kind, helpful, and encouraging. I appreciate it, and I know so many others appreciate it, too. So I want to leave you with a list of websites (sorry that it is not comprehensive) where you can find Recipes for your Fujifilm cameras. Of course, I have over 350 (plus more are in the works), which can be found here and in the Fuji X Weekly App, but in case you are looking for more (or something that’s different than what I’ve created), let me point you to a few places where you can find other options. There’s a good chance that the look you are after is out there somewhere.
One Camera One Lens
Marcel Fraij
Life, Unintended
Captn Look
Piotr Skrzypek
Osan Bilgi
I’m sure there are a lot more, and any exclusion is accidental. If there’s one that I should have included, please feel free to add it in the comments.
Anyway, I look forward to this move being finished, and getting back on track for the summer and beyond. Take care!