Victor Ha is the Vice President of the Electronic Imaging and Optical Devices Divisions of Fujifilm North America. I met him twice while I was in New York City in May. The first time, I accidentally crashed a Fujifilm lunch meeting (funny story…). I got to introduce myself and not much else. The second time was at a loud and crowded bar. We had a short conversation, but it was a bit difficult due to the environment. Mostly we discussed art and photography in general, and not anything specific about cameras or even Fujifilm. I hope to one day talk about Fujifilm gear with him, as I have a lot of ideas and feedback that I’d love to share; who knows, maybe that opportunity will present itself someday. Anyway, Victor is a really nice guy, and it was a pleasure to speak with him in person.
Victor Ha was recently on a live Adorama YouTube broadcast (Episode 28 of Coffee with Creators) with Seth Miranda (a.k.a. LastXWitness). This is the video that Fujirumors shared indicating that the X-T5’s AF bug would be fixed and Reala Ace would be given to all the fifth-generation X-Trans cameras by the end of June (yea!). Unfortunately, I’ve been really busy over the last week, and I didn’t have a chance to watch it. Someone reached out to me to ask if I’d seen it, stating that I was given a shoutout. I hadn’t, so I watched it. I’ve included the video below, in case you want to view it, too.
If you don’t want to see the whole thing (it’s over an hour long), simply skip ahead to the 6:52 mark. Victor gives a very kind shoutout to Fuji X Weekly and briefly mentions Film Simulation Recipes. Specifically, he brought up the Reala Ace Film Simulation Recipe that I used while in New York City. Actually, I used two. For anyone wondering, I believe the one that he may have been talking about in the video was the Fujicolor PRO 160C Warm Recipe that is a part of my Fujifilm X-T50 Film Dial strategy. The other Recipe that he could have been referring to is PRO Negative 160C. They’re both fairly similar, and can be found in the Fuji X Weekly App (available for Apple and Android). Once the firmware updates are released, which could be any day between now and the end of the week, Reala Ace will be available for the Fujifilm X-H2s, X-H2, X-T5, and X-S20 cameras. If you have one of those cameras, soon you’ll be able to use those Recipes, too.
Below are some photographs—all straight-out-of-camera JPEGs—that I captured while in New York using the Fujicolor PRO 160C Warm Recipe on a Fujifilm X-T50:
Below are some photographs—all straight-out-of-camera JPEGs—that I captured while in New York using the PRO Negative 160C Recipe on a Fujifilm X-T50: