I get asked fairly regularly which Film Simulation Recipes are the most popular. For me, this is a fascinating topic, but it’s definitely hard to know definitively. While I get a glimpse on social media, my best gauge is the Fuji X Weekly website statistics; specifically, which Recipe articles are viewed the most. I don’t collect any data on the Fuji X Weekly App, so that’s no help—although, if I did, it would likely offer the most accurate picture; however, it would still be impossible to know which Recipes people programmed into their Fujifilm cameras, or how often they used each. Perhaps a survey would be particularly useful, yet even it has its limitations. While certainly a flawed method, page-view website statics offer the best glimpse at which Film Simulation Recipes are the most popular, so that’s what I’m using for this article. These are simply the Top 10 most-viewed X-Trans III Recipes on the Fuji X Weekly website so far in 2024.
It’s close enough to the end of the year that there is unlikely to be much movement, if any, between now and January 1st, so I thought it would be a good time to begin looking at year-end statistics. When I share the Top 25 most popular Recipes of any given month, the results are pretty predictable: color Recipes dominate, especially those that mimic Kodak film stocks and use Classic Chrome. On the suggestion of a Fuji X Weekly reader, I’m going to share some Top 10 articles for Recipe categories where few are likely to crack the Top 25 overall. I started with B&W, followed that up with Fujicolor, then Eterna Recipes; now we’ll look at X-Trans III compatible Recipes.
These Film Simulation Recipes are compatible with all X-Trans III cameras—Fujifilm X-Pro2, X100F, X-E3, X-T2, X-T20 & X-H1—as well as the X-T3 and X-T30. The majority of people use Recipes on X-Trans IV and V cameras, but X-Trans III isn’t too far behind. Some of these Recipes do routinely crack the Top 25 list, but most of them do not.
Without any further delay, below are the most popular X-Trans III Recipes of 2024!
Top 10 Most Popular X-Trans III Film Simulation Recipes of 2024
One of the older Film Simulation Recipes on Fuji X Weekly, and typically one of the Top 15 most popular. Uses Classic Chrome as the base.
This Classic Chrome based Recipe is for the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T30, but is fully compatible with X-Trans III cameras because Color Chrome Effect is set to Off. This one usually cracks the Top 25.
The very first Film Simulation Recipe on Fuji X Weekly, unsurprisingly uses Classic Chrome as the base. Another Recipe that is commonly in the Top 25 list.
This was the first Portra Recipe that I created. It requires a difficult-to-get-right Custom White Balance measurement.
One of my favorite Recipes for X-Trans III cameras. Like the four above, it uses Classic Chrome.
This Recipe is specifically for nighttime photography, and uses the PRO Neg. Std film simulation.
One of the newer X-Trans III Recipes, it uses Classic Chrome.
This Recipe uses PRO Neg. Std, and is one of my favorites for dreary days.
Another Classic Chrome based Recipe.
This Recipe uses the Astia film simulation, and is the most vibrant on this list.
Find these Film Simulation Recipes and many more on the Fuji X Weekly App!